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Datum: 02-01-2025
Land/Country: Sweden
Name: Emmy
Telefon: +46708310000
Homepage: zur Webseite von Emmy
A very sweet and naughty, passionate and sensual escort. I like seduction and eroticism. Come and meet me that I take care of your fantasies and your pleasures, come and spend a moment with great sweetness and tenderness.
I want to meet polite and courteous gentlemen to share sensual and erotic moments in mutual respect. I like to give attention and to receive it in my turn, the small pleasures of every day make life more beautiful and more pleasant.
When I don't answer your call you must send me a message and I will answer you as soon as possible. During a meeting I do not answer the phone.
I inform you gentlemen that I block people who make an appointment and who do not come without warning in advance as well as those who negotiate the rates. Thank you for understanding.
I kiss you and see you soon.
(Admin: No backlink or backlink unacceptably placed. / Kein Backlink oder Backlink inakzeptabel platziert.)
Anzeigentitel: Emmy
Name: Emmy
Preisangabe: 200
Telefon: +46708310000
Region: Sweden
Homepage: zur Webseite von Emmy
German Escort - Surf-Tipps:
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