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Datum: 05-09-2024

Land/Country: USA

Ort/Region: Berkeley

Name: classykelly47

Telefon: given after cleared

Homepage: zur Webseite von classykelly47

I am a beautiful hot mature blond who loves to be playful and light hearted. I have a fetish for gentlemen who wears nice cologne. I am well educated and carry on a conversation about almost anything in today's current times. I love to dress up in sexy lingerie and tight short dinner dresses and high heels. I love to take my time to get to know you and make sure you are relaxed. I like playing games from the naughty teacher to the seductive mature hot girlfriend. I have a nice private residence in a safe upscale area just 2 blocks from the freeway and is in the eastbay.


Anzeigentitel: classykelly47
Name: classykelly47
Preisangabe: 0
Telefon: given after cleared
Region: USA
Ort: Berkeley
Homepage: zur Webseite von classykelly47



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eMail an: classykelly47

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