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Datum: 03-09-2024

Land/Country: USA

Ort/Region: New York

Name: BriannaMiyakee

Telefon: +19177685665

Homepage: zur Webseite von BriannaMiyakee

NYC based low volume sensual companion who loves the company of refined cultured gentlemen.
I can be submissive or take control and be your Mistress. Treat me well and your rewards will be great.
I'm a petite 5'4" black haired beauty with black eyes and a 34 A cup.
A tiny waist you'll love to hold. The only piercings I have are my ears and I have one discreetly placed tattoo.
I cater to gentlemen only, do not travel and am always primped, finely manicured and skin smooth, clean and silky.

My ethnicity is Asian. I come from a small town in the high mountains of Asia and speak English perfectly.

Bookings by email should be done through my site.


Anzeigentitel: BriannaMiyakee
Name: BriannaMiyakee
Preisangabe: 0
Telefon: +19177685665
Region: USA
Ort: New York
Homepage: zur Webseite von BriannaMiyakee



German Escort - Surf-Tipps:

Legendary Escort Agentur | Escort Girls Bangkok | Tokyo Hentai Club | Auckland Escort Agency | Sex am Telefon | Escort Service NRW | Escort & Callgirl Inserate | BDSM Chicks | escorts & more

eMail an: BriannaMiyakee

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