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Legendary Escort Agentur | Escort Girls Bangkok | Tokyo Hentai Club | Auckland Escort Agency | Sex am Telefon | Escort Service NRW | Escort & Callgirl Inserate | BDSM Chicks | escorts & moreI am an ordinary warm and attentive mature woman
Datum: 27-12-2024
Land/Country: Europa
Name: Susanne Legelysten
Telefon: +45 31163425
Homepage: zur Webseite von Susanne Legelysten
I am a 48 year old woman who is very fond of men in general. In my line of work I only meet men at their best.
I am an ordinary warm and attentive woman. I’m pleased with my body, my sexual interest and desire and I certainly think I have something valuable to offer:
I am open to most sexgames, fetishes, needs and desires. I’m very friendly, in a few areas well gifted, curious and with a few exceptions, not very serious.
If we must be objective, I am as I said 48 years, 170 cm tall and weighs 58 kg. My breasts are small and soft, buttocks are also soft, my legs are long (or body short!). 20 years ago, I had very flexible limbs, now my body is reasonably flexible
Anzeigentitel: I am an ordinary warm and attentive mature woman
Name: Susanne Legelysten
Preisangabe: 0
Telefon: +45 31163425
Region: Europa
Homepage: zur Webseite von Susanne Legelysten
German Escort - Surf-Tipps:
Legendary Escort Agentur | Escort Girls Bangkok | Tokyo Hentai Club | Auckland Escort Agency | Sex am Telefon | Escort Service NRW | Escort & Callgirl Inserate | BDSM Chicks | escorts & moreeMail an: Susanne Legelysten
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