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Kristina Escort Brussels

Datum: 24-12-2024

Land/Country: Belgien

Ort/Region: Brussels

Name: Kristina

Telefon: +32489174802

Homepage: zur Webseite von Kristina

Only for gentlemen who know what they look for and do not wish to waste their time nor money. Let me introduce myself to you: Hello Gentlemen! My professional name is Irena because of the fantastic Luthania model that exists in my roots. If you are looking to relax and have an amazing time with a beautiful and intelligent girl, I might be the girl you are looking for! I am an all natural beauty, I look exactly like my photos and I´d like to get to know generous gentlemen who will appreciate my assets and talents. For me it is very important that during our encounter, we both can enjoy our body, each other's presence, and of course a great time of intelligent sex. I guarantee an unforgettable experience that - i´m sure - will make you call me again! Finally I only want to add that my great personality, open in every sense, without taboos, will make an impression that you will never forget... Don't wait, don't think about it more, just pick up the phone and call me! I will make sure you have no regrets!

Call my asisstant,he will answer you in a friendly way . All my services are included in the rate, except special services.




Anzeigentitel: Kristina Escort Brussels
Name: Kristina
Preisangabe: 0
Telefon: +32489174802
Region: Belgien
Ort: Brussels
Homepage: zur Webseite von Kristina


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eMail an: Kristina

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