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SinDee The Knockout Lady - 300€

Datum: 24-12-2024

Land/Country: Asien

Name: SinDee

Telefon: +66923833651

Homepage: zur Webseite von SinDee

Hi darling, my name is SinDee... and as my name suggests I am wicked.
I am a sexy, horny independent Thai escort girl who likes to kiss, and go all the way.

No holes barred. That's the way I like it... so if you are up to it drop your shorts and get your lively butt up here so we can make some Hot Steamy Wild music together.

At the same time I do have a very soft gentle touch if that's the way you would like to play.

I am also very discreet about my business so if a dinner party or an evening date is your taste just flick your fingers and we are on our way...

If this is your first time I will put you at ease and your secret will be safe with me.

Now that you know something about me... Please me kind enough to reciprocate in like manner by picking up the phone or dropping me a mail or message.

Will keep the bed warm for you until then.



Anzeigentitel: SinDee The Knockout Lady
Name: SinDee
Preisangabe: 300
Telefon: +66923833651
Region: Asien
Homepage: zur Webseite von SinDee


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eMail an: SinDee

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